Thursday, October 8, 2015

New Super man tag plus new Discovery

My mind kept hinting to me "Ya know you might be able to do a tag with multi layers instead of just a solid etch" And I figured it out!
Trouble shooting is a pain, cause each one I do wrong is one wasted.
While I was making the Superman tags. They kept coming out not perfect. When I keep the paper on, I can engrave it perfectly, but it doesn't like to cut so nicely. I thought there has to be a way to engrave it and and cut it at different times.  I got the idea to make a template to do just that! Now they all come out perfectly :)
I received a custom order to make OCP medallions out of the Quarter inch clear acrylic.
When ever I cut out my tags and what not, I always try to use the most of my sheets. Here is the damage for tonight. This sheet is expired :)

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