Monday, October 5, 2015

Glowing sun and Roswell stone

The top quarter I made a year ago. the blue Taurus is actually a glow in the dark resin. I want to duplicate this look with acrylic, I have a feeling the whole piece may glow.
First I check the size of piece I want to make with cardboard. its readily available so I don't waste acrylic troubleshooting for a size.
After I cut my pieces out with the laser. I lay them on top of each other and shine a black light on them.
I cut more out. This is the famous Roswell Stone that was found in New Mexico.
The bottom one is solid black acrylic. The top one is 80% black. 

The syringe is in the photo cause that is the best way to glue acrylic together. The glue is strong enough to hold an aquarium together.

The extra black pieces are just extra pieces that weren't needed
 I poured the glow resin in and let it harden over 24 hours. I charged them up with the black light. The black light is not shining on them for the picture. They are really glowing that bright!

I don't really like how these turned out, I think the extra acrylic on the back looks weird. I think I'm going to leave the back off and just pour the resin in like I did with the quarter at the top of this post.

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