Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Levitating disks

Erin had three alien babies that she wanted to some how be floating within the room. I had an idea to make acrylic disks. Neon Acrylic so they would glow and disks so it would look mysteriously bad ass.

I decided to use sacred geometry for my disk patterns.
They look cool and mysterious at the same time.
Finally is laser cutting time.

I bought this clear tube 4 months earlier. I knew I could find something to do with it, just wasn't sure what.

The outer tube diameter was just one inch.

I made the inner circle one inch also

The tolerance of the laser is SOO PRECISE that it is a perfect fit between the disks and the tube. I don't need to glue them.They hold on tight.
After pull the paper off, I shine a black light on it, and take a step back.

This think looks amazing

Who would question this thing floating with an alien sitting on top of it?

no one! :p

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