Saturday, October 31, 2015

Haunted House room Done!

My Room is done! and not a second to spare!

photo of the levitating disks
 All the levitating disks and the autopsy table

I am dressed like Giorgio Tsoukalos, checking out the scene

 Alien printing pods
My room had an actor dressed like an alien inside.  The room itself was quite popular.

I thank Erin Christiansen for the opportunity to create a whole themed room. The experience is was amazing :)

Area 51 sign

These are the last of the Halloween house signs.. I am really digging this Area 51 sign.

I felt like I had seen the sign that I wanted to remake on the internet.. I could not find anything. So I took a similar image, and the image I had in my mind and married them. 

I would love to have this sign in my room

In the background are my Alien levitating disks
I wanted to make a really cool sign for Guy Atchley. my only regrets were the children's faces (cant see them) and I wish I had put a hole at the top for hanging. There really is no way to hang this sign, unless it has tape. But I have no time to fix this CAUSE ITS HALLOWEEN!!!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Wolverine tags

Inspired by X-men. I had to make a wolverine tag. One that is etched on both sides. Also I changed the shape of the tag to a shield.
Using the template idea from the latest Superman tag. I am able to position the tag in the middle and flip it around, and keep its position on the cutting plate.

I also love the look of another color behind it. This brown is pretty but its just paper that will come off soon.

I tried 3 different patterns and interviewed the people around me, and on snapchat and Instagram. Everyone loved the tag on the right the most.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Levitating disks

Erin had three alien babies that she wanted to some how be floating within the room. I had an idea to make acrylic disks. Neon Acrylic so they would glow and disks so it would look mysteriously bad ass.

I decided to use sacred geometry for my disk patterns.
They look cool and mysterious at the same time.
Finally is laser cutting time.

I bought this clear tube 4 months earlier. I knew I could find something to do with it, just wasn't sure what.

The outer tube diameter was just one inch.

I made the inner circle one inch also

The tolerance of the laser is SOO PRECISE that it is a perfect fit between the disks and the tube. I don't need to glue them.They hold on tight.
After pull the paper off, I shine a black light on it, and take a step back.

This think looks amazing

Who would question this thing floating with an alien sitting on top of it?

no one! :p

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Printing cocoon

I had a wild idea about an alien cocoon on a wall. I had an alien head and a bunch of wire. How about creating visual of an alien being, being printed like an android.Trying to form a body was ridiculous. A perfect solution would have been to have a balloonist make me an alien body that I could have wrapped all the wire around, then pop it when completed. Instead I had to find lots of random little things like candles and small boxes to create the same effect. This took two weekends to complete one wire body.
Meanwhile Erin showed me her strands of SMALL LED lights. The idea hit instantly. Enclose the cocoon with foam piping and tuck the LEDs inside.
The cocoon itself is made from syran wrap and packing tape. The mold I used was my bathtub. It worked great. 
The heart of the alien is made of orange neon tape. I wanted something to illuminate with the black lights that would fill the room.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Alien ship piping

I found this weird tube at Home depot, I wanted it to look like a part of the inside of a space ship. I noticed there were holes in my tubing. What I thought was a problem, became my solution. CHRISTMAS LIGHTS!! I already have the holes, I can buy s strand and poke the lights through.
BTW this process took forever.  The tube was 14 feet long all stretch out. My arms are not that long. There was a lot of hand and foot control on this massive python.

why do we choose partners so different from ourselves? its not fate or chance or cliches like the heart wants what the heart wants we choose our partners because they represent the unfinshed business from our childhood
and we choose them because they manifest the qualities, we wish we had. in doing so, in choosing such a challenging partner and working to give them what they need we chart a course for our own growth.
^^^Modern Family quote^^^ needed to note this somewhere

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Infinity mirror, Alien autopsy table

One long night I found myself watching YouTube videos for 6 hours... I stumbled upon this cool thing called an Infinity mirror. I knew I had to try it.   I found a 16ft. LED tape on After it arrived, it was go time to construct the table.

 The Tech Shop has a wood shop, but I don't have wood shop clearance cause I never took the class. But Katy took the class! so together we embarked on a project never attempted by both of us. We weren't sure what we were doing either.
 Look we kept all our fingers! took us close to 4 hours to cut the frames for the infinity  mirror table. Could have probably cut that time in half. 
Meanwhile in Tucson days later, my father and I built the table legs and a table for the table frame...
Now we are painting it!! 
At the court house, it worked! 

There is a 3x4ft. mirror on the bottom, and a 3x4ft. smoke acrylic on top. The LED tape was sticky, and stuck to the sides without problems. I was worried about cutting the tape to fit the inner dimensions of the table, but it worked just like the internet said.
This autopsy table Infinity mirror looks AMAZING!! super extraterrestrial plus I have a remote to change the colors to any color of the rainbow including white!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Dragon Ball Z tags

DRAGON BALL Z! I don't know why I didn't think of make Dragon ball Z tags in the first place!
I was going to make a first ever front and back engraved DBZ tag.. but I ran out of my two hour reservation time.  Hopefully I can make it soon.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

New Super man tag plus new Discovery

My mind kept hinting to me "Ya know you might be able to do a tag with multi layers instead of just a solid etch" And I figured it out!
Trouble shooting is a pain, cause each one I do wrong is one wasted.
While I was making the Superman tags. They kept coming out not perfect. When I keep the paper on, I can engrave it perfectly, but it doesn't like to cut so nicely. I thought there has to be a way to engrave it and and cut it at different times.  I got the idea to make a template to do just that! Now they all come out perfectly :)
I received a custom order to make OCP medallions out of the Quarter inch clear acrylic.
When ever I cut out my tags and what not, I always try to use the most of my sheets. Here is the damage for tonight. This sheet is expired :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Model motor of a electric hand mixer

This is a project for my Industrial Design class. We have to find a product, then recreate it, starting with the motor. Everyone in class made theirs with materials in class. I got so used to making things at the Tech Shop, I had to go there. This might be a problem haha

I used card board cause it was readily available and the styrene was from my summer classes.

The motor in the background is the one I recreated.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Super heroes decal designs

I saw the Thin Red Line on a shirt with this symbol on it. It was all blotchy. It took a while but I remade it in photoshop.
I then made more, a Thin Blue Line, Thin Green Line and an EMS one. I am going to try to make decals and shirts with these.

First batch is done! and I made a decal for Tylar Preece. He is a Local photographer, and that is his logo.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Glowing sun and Roswell stone

The top quarter I made a year ago. the blue Taurus is actually a glow in the dark resin. I want to duplicate this look with acrylic, I have a feeling the whole piece may glow.
First I check the size of piece I want to make with cardboard. its readily available so I don't waste acrylic troubleshooting for a size.
After I cut my pieces out with the laser. I lay them on top of each other and shine a black light on them.
I cut more out. This is the famous Roswell Stone that was found in New Mexico.
The bottom one is solid black acrylic. The top one is 80% black. 

The syringe is in the photo cause that is the best way to glue acrylic together. The glue is strong enough to hold an aquarium together.

The extra black pieces are just extra pieces that weren't needed
 I poured the glow resin in and let it harden over 24 hours. I charged them up with the black light. The black light is not shining on them for the picture. They are really glowing that bright!

I don't really like how these turned out, I think the extra acrylic on the back looks weird. I think I'm going to leave the back off and just pour the resin in like I did with the quarter at the top of this post.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Acrylic glow signs

My friend needed to make signs for her Haunted House. I said let me make your signs out of neon acrylic. They will glow with all your black lights. She told me what they needed to say, I went the extra mile to make them into scary shapes.
These were my computer drawings.
The laser cut them out. It took over an hour to cut out these 4.

I just pulled off all the paper and revealed this. It looks fabulous near the black light. Neon acrylic captures the light like crazy!
How the signs will look when they are up on the walls.
I later made these two

Friday, October 2, 2015

Super hero oversized tags

so far these are the heroes I was able to come up with. Quarter Inch clear acrylic.

Close up of SpiderMan