Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Swipe! Class project

So it was a summer Design class project to create a screen that had 2 swivels. The the Following summer class we had to modify our first design for the real world. I created this one. This is a all-in-one menu plus register for restaurants. This lil gadget will be at every table in a restaurant. Sadly it will eliminate the position of the server, but I am told that is already happening. Their new jobs will be food and drink runners.

I named my product SWIPE because of the swipe action on the credit card. My favorite part is the stylus pen that sticks out from the top of the display. Also the screen is detachable from its "charging" station. It's held on by a super strong neo rear earth magnet. I wish I got to 3D print this sucker at the Tech shop. Instead I had to print this at school and it was $97 to print!! And I had to pay for it! My Goodness, ASU what a rip off! 

Side note- I had no idea things like this already existed, people kept saying "Oh, Chili's has something similar"  I'm like What?!?! I haven't been to Chili's in years why didn't anyone tell me that before I went through with this project? :(

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