Friday, August 28, 2015

HillGear shirt, decals & hot pot holders

 I took a class on vinyl decals plus heat transfer. I decided what better design to use than my own.
I tried out the 7 toothed gear.
 When I put the logo in the computer to put on a shirt, I accidentally stretched it, and it flattened out a bit. To my surprise, I like the squished look a lot.

There was a kid in the tech shop making wooden hot plates. He said the stains and finishes he uses, will withstand a 600 degree pot. A cooking pot will never get that hot, but what ever, I have yet to test this. Any way when he left, he left all this golden left over material of his. I had to make my own.

For the hot pots I used the 8 toothed gear. 

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