Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Hello! this is my first attempt to categorize everything that I am making while getting my Masters in Industrial Design. I am attending ASU, but a lot of the things I am making have nothing to do with school. Most are creations created out of the stress and pressure from classes and assignments, creating unique lil diamonds at the Tech Shop or at home.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Leather snake cuffs

One of the last things I cut at the Tech Shop.. This winter is my time to play with this idea.

This is where I left off.

I took it to the back yard and tried to stamp something snake like

I like it a lot.. I later went back to the leather store, bought dyes, paints, and sealers. I also found a bunch more stamps on I really hope I can make this lucrative. I'm going to look at other species of snakes even dragons!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Thin red line shirts, decals

My last day at the Tech Shop before I go home for Winter Break!!  why cant the Tech Shop be in Tucson, Im gonna be super antsy until I go back.
I spent a lot of time making THIN RED LINE, THIN BLUE LINE and EMS Super Hero decals. for Christmas orders.
Making the shirts was Exciting cause I felt like I was doing them for the first time again. Then again these were more difficult than the Ingress shirts because these involved two colors. AND I only had 3 shirts, I could not mess up on either of them. I had to get it right 3 times.
The Thin Blue Line Super man shirt was the first one I did.

The second shirt was the Thin Red Line

Third and mostly scary was the EMT/EMS super hero shirt. The serpent over laps a star and a stripe. It was rumored that the vinyl would still stick but I wasn't 100% sure.

But it did!  Also the shirt is Navy, but it looks black.

Also I cut out this frame out of styrene that I found in the trash. Perfect for what I needed
I made this to fit 60 poptabs. This will allow me to polish 60 poptabs at once instead of one at a time.  AMAZING IMPROVEMENTS!

 *SNEEK PEEK* I was also able to laser cut out two snakes out of leather to try out a new project during my break