Saturday, September 26, 2015

I've been recruited to make a Haunted house

I have been recruited to make an Alien autopsy room for a Haunted house in Tucson, at an abandoned court house.

I have made some new friends to work with

Erin Christiansen and I went to Home Depot for supplies!
The ply wood was so big, the only way to fit it in my car was to hold it about our heads.
I have a lot to do in here!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Fish decal

After heavy use of the decal maker tonight, I used my left over white vinyl to make a decal of my fish tool. It looks so cute ^_^

Ingress shirts & decals

I stumbled upon the Ingress community and thought I could make swag for them.

The following is
  • 2 shirts with Team Enlightened.  
  • car size decals. Green, blue, & white. 
  • Large Smart phone case sizes. green, blue, white & black
  • smaller iPhone case sizes. green, blue, white &  black
I made white and black so you wouldn't have to show what side you are on, and could be safe from opposing team rivalry

Friday, September 18, 2015

my version of a Hoberman wheel

my ultimate goal is to make an expanding mobile. but first I have to figure out the expanding part. My inspiration for this is the hoberman sphere toy. 

I took the left over styrene from my summer classes, and cut out rectangles.  Then I started putting them together.
So far so good.
There are 30 X pairs.. I may have made this one too big, cause it can stretch longer than my arms length.

One of my classmates decided to make a coral around my chair. I think he tried to trap me in it.

How I make a pen holder

After I made the Wooden coasters, I still had time with the laser cutter.  I decided to make some pen holders and capture the step by step process.
 This is a machine that creates enough heat on a single line of space, that lets you bend acrylic precisely.
 This is a bending station. It lets you choose and set any angled degree from 0 to 180

I glued blue pieces of acrylic to the orange pen stand to give it a 3D look. It looks really cool!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tucson Coffee Roaster Coasters

There is so much left over wood in the Tech shop this week. I wanted to explore all that I can with it.
I continue to use the Tucson Coffee Roasters logo. Experimenting with the rasterize strengths.  I was able to get many different engraving effects
I gave these to the owners for free.

Neon gear pendants

I liked my first gear pendant so much I wanted to make more. Here are the makings of 3 different ones. I bought anew purple colored acrylic and I put holes in the large gear.
I managed to put one together in time to give it to an Instagram friend

This is what it looks like with black light on it


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Ingress shirts

I made the grey one the night before and I made the white one today. There is a game app out there called Ingress. I hope I can sell these to the players.
I was able to get on a laser and quickly make a Harley Quinn dog tag for a friend.
I cant believe someone put these in the trash. I have 6 tic-tac-toe sets. If I can find a table at a park I'll put these there for whoever to find.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Ironman Mirror

I have had this idea for a while now. As soon as the mirrored acrylic pieces came in the mail, I knew where I was going after class!
 Holy crap it worked!

I had enough material to make two of them. Now I have to figure out an epoxy and possibly a way to hang them on a wall.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Tucson Coffee Roasters pen holder

After learning there was a way to bend this plastic, I HAD TO TRY IT OUT!
The only thing that came to my mind was a pen holder. I etched the back of the acrylic, so I had to reverse the image. I'm glad it looks fabulous
I put the finished product over an LED strip. It looks so much more amazing with colored light!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Practicing with acrylic

I found some scrap quarter inch clear acrylic to practice a friends logo.
 It does a really cool thing with light.
After many attempts I like this look. The only thing I don't like is the burning.
I hope I got my raster numbers down.
I made about 8 different ones, but I took a pic of the ones that made the cut.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Baby Brontosaurus Tinysaur

While in class today I had the idea to make a series of "Tiny dinosaurs" and call them Tinysaurs.

This is my attempt at a baby Brontosaurus. This is the first creature where I drew up ALL of his Parts. nothing was copied, it was all hand drawn, scanned, re-drawn in vector lines, laser cut, BOOM, I made a baby dinosaur!

They look adorable! I want to design two more baby dinosaurs and add them to a pack. and sell them as a set. Because why not?!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Baby T-rex Tinysaur

I bought a wooden puzzle kit to make a lizard like dinosaur, I just put his head together when I saw that if I added legs to it, it would be the cutest baby tyrannosaurus Rex ever!! so I re drew some of his parts and cut him out of card board
He looked so adorable I needed to make a friend!
They kinda look like the land Tremors in the 2nd or 3rd Tremors movie.
A lady brought her puppy in. They had a DEATH MATCH.  puppy won.